Ashley Rippentrop

Director & Producer

Ashley is a passionate creative. Her love for storytelling began at a young age and eventually led her to the University of Missouri, where she earned a bachelor's degree in Journalism. She works as a chronic illness advocate and recently directed her first feature-length documentary about living with POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). In her free time, she enjoys painting from her travel photos, singing to her favorite tunes, writing her book, and getting out into nature whenever she can.



Cort Rippentrop

Cinematographer & Editor

Cort is a talented cinematographer and editor. He found his footing in wedding videography, but has since expanded his range to commercial, informational, and now, documentary films. Cort earned his bachelor's degree in Business Management from the University of Missouri, where he currently works as the Director of Advancement for the College of Arts and Science. In his free time, he enjoys exploring National Parks with his wife (Ashley), listening to podcasts, watching documentaries, keeping up with Mizzou sports, and playing Xbox with his childhood friends.